Bonsai API
Generate a bonsai as SVG
Ported from cbonsai - a bonsai tree generator, written in C using ncurses
API endpoint
Example request"faewulf"
Response (SVG)
Name | Default value | Description |
background | 1 | Background opacity (0-1) |
base | -1 | Tree vase type, there are 2 types (-1 = random, 0, 1) |
time | 0 | Delay time (in ms) between tree growth, 0 = instant growth |
life | 30 | Active branch life, higher = more growth (0-200) |
multiplier | 5 | Branch multiplier, higher = more branching (0-20) |
seed | random | Tree seed |
Terms of use
Be gentle with the server, please :<
If you want to suggest something, please send me a message via
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